Apple and virtual reality

What does Apple think about VR? How long will we have to wait to test Apple’s virtual reality and augmented reality viewers? Why did Apple buy the startup Metaio, one of the world’s leading augmented reality companies?

In recent months, these three questions have been repeated in all the industry blogs and magazines, but there is still no concrete evidence showing the type of glasses or offering possible dates for the market launch of this product. Let’s try to analyze the activities Apple has been doing in the virtual and augmented reality sector…

First of all, the Cupertino-based company has hired Doug Bowman, one of the world’s leading virtual reality experts. Bowman has already won numerous awards as a researcher and, although his goal at Apple has not yet been revealed, there is certainty that it will be an innovative and groundbreaking project aimed at the general public.

Apple patent for virtual and augmented reality viewers.

In addition to the patents that Apple has filed in recent months, the company has taken over several specialized companies such as Metaio y Primesensea company known for creating the technology embedded in the Kinect sensor for Xbox360. It has also recently acquired the startup Perceptio, which specializes in artificial intelligence and computer vision.


In light of this information, let’s try to analyze again the main question: what does Apple think about virtual reality?

Apple CEO Tim Cook, during a presentation of the financial results of the first quarter of 2016, has stated that “virtual reality is absolutely fantastic and allows to develop very interesting and captivating applications”. Cook does not see virtual reality as a software and hardware niche oriented only to the geek / nerd / video game world, but rather as a technology that will become common use for all users and that will have countless applications in multiple sectors, from the general public to areas such as sports, technology, travel, industry, design, real estate, fashion and many more.

However, with the purchase of the prolific startup Metaio, Apple has pulled ahead of its multiple and well-prepared competitors: Microsoft with Hololenswith Hololens, Google with Cardboard and its new project currently in the pipeline, Facebook with Oculus Rift, Samsung with Gear VRSony with PlayStation VR and HTC with Viveto name a few among the most prominent. In addition to the various models of virtual glasses, we should not forget the numerous accessories that are already available on the market, compatible with most of the models of glasses that allow you to experience augmented reality in the first person. At this point, it is clear that Apple does not want to be excluded from this great market revolution, which is beginning to take on the features of a technological revolution comparable to the birth of the Internet. If we make the proper distinction, VR brings about sociocultural changes in our lives that will influence modern generations and those to come, since they will have these powerful technologies from the earliest stages of their lives from the point of view of empathy and immersiveness. To conclude, we quote a splendid piece of news that appeared in Business Insider just a few days ago: Goldman Sachs believes that, within ten years, the virtual reality market will surpass that of the future, the virtual reality market will surpass that of traditional television.. There are reasons to look forward to what is to come and to continue to strive to create quality content adapted to the real needs of users.