Inside all of us there is an adventurer who would not hesitate to take dangers and embark on fantastic adventures that would make you feel alive and full of adrenaline, but if you have a tight schedule and simply can’t leave your home or office, you can always live vicariously the experience of adventure through Casey Neistat. This 35-year-old filmmaker and youtuber resides in New York City and his videos remind us how much fun life can be for those who go out into the world.
The videos, which last around 10 minutes each have clearly demonstrated that he has a large audience willing to venture onto the couches at home with him, as he has amassed just over 6 million subscribers on his YouTube channel.
Samsung Gear VR: 360-degree video experience
At the last Oscar Awards in California, the phone company Samsung provided Neistat with a briefcase containing the company’ s virtual reality headset (the Gear VR), a Galaxy S7 smartphone and the Samsung Gear 360 video camera, which would allow him to record 360-degree videos. In this way, he could make a video blog of the entire show and then upload it to YouTube and the rest of the social networks to publicize the show.
quality of the product and all the possibilities it could offer as a more immersive experience. The camera has a resolution of 4k or what equals to 3840 by 1920 pixels that make use of two fisheye lenses with f/2.0 that allow coverage of a viewing angle of 195 degrees with each other to record content, which would then be edited using the Galaxy S7 to easily create the video. The usual way to record this type of video was with cameras like the Bublcam, Giroptic, and the Nokia OZO. If you wanted to produce a full 360-degree shot with a GoPro, you would need at least six of them mounted on special equipment manufactured by a third party or with the Omni array sold by the company which has everything you need to start recording and editing your videos, but at a very high price. The biggest difference between these options and Samsung’s Gear 360 is that this one is smaller and easier to use than the others, plus the quality of the product and the experience it offers are very good. As a goal, the South Korean company plans to encourage the exploration of new media that will transform the way in which the virtual reality content ecosystem is generated by users with advanced services and high quality products.
Flight in the world’s largest homemade drone
Another use for this camera was when Casey mounted it on the homemade drone he built himself, using it to fly over the breathtaking ski slopes of Finland. The drone was conceived by Neistat when he thought that of all the manufacturers of such devices in the world none was capable of lifting humans off the ground, so he decided to build the first one. He explained that this device has 16 propellers of 31 inches of carbon fiber each, powered by 16 independent motors, estimating that it can lift more than 165 kilos at full speed and lift people 25 feet off the ground. Neistat claimed that the drone has enough power to power an average U.S. household for nearly 40 hours at a time. In addition to mounting the Samsung Gear 360 to the drone, he also attached it to a selfie stick while skiing while being pulled by the force it exerted. All of this can be seen in a series of videos he uploaded to YouTube in December last year, where he dressed up as Santa Claus riding a snowboard. Several people said that the first of these was fake and made use of CGI, but then uploaded a second video where he explained how it was built, answering several of the doubts that viewers had.
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