realidad aumentada virtual marketing 360 vídeo

How to include Virtual Reality in your budget

Years ago it was text, a few years ago it was photos and now it’s video, but the next thing is 360-degree cameras, which allow you to upload videos that give the viewer the feeling of being there. The future will be sharing scenes and not just videos.”

Mark Zuckerberg recently commented

on the subject of virtual reality during the

Mobile World Congress

held in Barcelona, Spain, last year.

The founder of the famous social network, Facebook, was not wrong to refer to this new tool of technology, because with the advances that have taken place in the last 20 years, the history of the world in these times seems to be taken out of a science fiction book.

Now, many brands around the world want to do things that are totally innovative and out of the ordinary to seduce and attract the attention of millions of customers. to increase their sales and thus considerably increase their income. This is how “virtual reality” and “augmented reality” become the protagonists on this occasion.

This technology is not as recent as everyone thought, in fact, this ingenious invention dates back to the 19th century, but more than 100 years later it has become a boom in many fields such as video games, medicine, cinema and even marketing.


But aren’t virtual reality and augmented reality the same thing? Well, no. Although they are similar terms and have some similarities, their characteristics are different, which differentiates one from the other.

Virtual reality”, introduces the user to a totally technological world but in real time, while “augmented reality” allows the user to see the real world with virtual elements. The main difference between the two is that VR is based on fantasy worlds.

The business

Because it is a relatively new tool, it takes boldness and courage to allocate some of a company’s annual marketing budget for the use of this technology in brand positioning. Despite the risk, this should not scare entrepreneurs, as many companies around the world are opting to make the most of this human invention, since it is a fertile field that in the medium and long term yields good results.

Brands such as Lego, National Geographic and The New York Times, took a risk and bet on this tool. The result? The number of consumers worldwide rose considerably, as they knew how to use creativity to the fullest and took advantage of all the benefits that VR and AR can offer for positioning within the marketing world.

It may seem like a really million dollar idea, but there are now companies that offer this tool at affordable and competitive prices within the industry. These costs will always depend on what you want to do to take a brand to the top of stardom.

That is why here we offer you several alternatives so that you can include “virtual reality” and “augmented reality” in your Budget marketing.

If you are on a tight budget and want to include this tool in your marketing proposal, you can choose to use applications such as Layar Creator or Wikitude, which help you to give another perspective to all your information, using VR and AR. The best part? They are free of charge.

Although somewhat expensive, this technology has diversified and is now available to more people. A good idea is to allocate part of the annual budget to pay specialists in virtual and augmented reality development, thus taking advantage of the benefits offered by this invention.

If VR and AR will become one of the main tools for brand positioning, a part of the Budget marketing can be destined for the in-house development of software and applications specialized in this technology.

Finally, a good tip would be to include this valuable tool only in the brand launch phase. In addition to reducing costs, making a good investment at this stage can guarantee the success of the brand and generate more revenue in the future.

Don’t forget that the world is constantly evolving, that’s why taking risks must be in the plan of all those industries that want to achieve success.

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