Virtual Events
Day by day we have less time, some limitations sometimes self-imposed or sometimes we have less budget, although the desire and intentions to go to an event are still intact. Distances or the desire to stay at home make seeing your favorite character or attending a show to be postponed indefinitely and yet the younger ones enter a virtual event without the need for training or explanations. Thanks to virtual reality we can now go to the event without leaving home. At TwoReality we have been connecting real users with virtual worlds for ten years, delivering unique experiences and helping companies to do business in a different way.
And where is the public?
An event is supposed to be for the public to pay a ticket and subsequently attend the concert, however, in the virtual world we do not meet. “Really” no, but we still meet in a common space that has been modeled in 3D and has avatars representing the attendees, the officials attending the event and the artist’s support staff. In virtual events, people enter the venue after registering, approach the stage where the artist will be and sit in a place that can be located in the same layout of a traditional theater. That would be the classic way for those more traditional, although the artist could also arrive from outer space and perform out of a bubble that emerges from within the audience that has undertaken a journey from outer space to see their artist. The possibilities are endless.
Physical and business structure can be brought to the virtual event
The stage, the chairs, the ceilings and walls, the walkways leading to the event and even ticket sales can be brought into the virtual world as we know it.
Thanks to 3D modeling it is possible to position screens and chairs so that the audience has the same visibility as in a traditional theater to make the audience feel the same as in real life.
It is so real that it is even possible to take snack sites, live video conferences by 360 or pre-recorded streaming to the virtual; the only limitation is defined by the hardware on which you want to attend the event.
How do I present a real artist in a virtual world?
It is possible to broadcast a live presentation or concert using 360º streaming.
For this purpose, cameras are set up on the stage that transmit the artist live and send the signal over the Internet, so that all visitors, regardless of their location, can watch the performance as if they were in front of their artist, which is almost impossible when attending a “real” event.
Entrance tickets
In virtual events you can also buy and sell; in this way we can sell tickets in the same way we do in the real world; For this an interface with the payment gateway is defined and through it we can make the registration of purchase and sale, as well as the registration of attendees. It is important for many organizers and even for the artists themselves, to know how their customers and fans think and feel, then it is possible to follow the steps of the visitor through the platform and their visits to the different stands, how long they have stayed in each one and how was their journey. From there we can extract trend information that will allow us to better attract our customers and give visitors and fans what they are looking for, instead of doing trial and error to get to the answers.
Interaction and consumption
In the virtual events that TwoReality has created with great force in recent months. We managed to have concert venues, music halls, large hotels, stands with sponsors of the event where you can interact with the exhibitor, establish contacts for the future and buy their products in a real way. In this way we are able to have permanent electronic commerce, not only during the event but also 24 hours a day, delivering electronic products immediately and activating deliveries of physical products, which allows us to perfectly plan logistics, inventories and cash flow.
Where do virtual events work?
There are several possibilities, almost always in the cloud. At TwoReality we usually work with the most solid cloud storage providers, although the client can decide to host it on their own servers, with an application developed exclusively for them or not. This platform can be installed indefinitely (and the cloud provider is paid according to the space and time used) or it can be removed at the end.
Virtual events: connection with products and services.
A virtual event can be presented within your traditional business or gaming platform; in this way it is possible to attract visitors to the event from the same place where we have the users, with the real database or increase it through new visitors brought from other platforms where we advertise. We have to create a space in this modern channel that we use today and deploy the event as if it were one of our products that the customer buys but instead of taking it from the store or sending it to their home, we make them enter our space to enjoy the concert.
From TwoReality we continue to create the best content and applications for different devices. Tell us about your project.